Voyage Dallas - Meet Carrie LaChance

Voyage Dallas - Meet Carrie LaChance

Carrie LaChance

Voyage Dallas

Voyage Dallas - Meet Carrie LaChance Of Luxe My Body
by, Christian Peterson
June 8, 2020

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carrie LaChance.

Carrie LaChance - Luxe My Body

Thanks for sharing your story with us Carrie. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I started my modeling career at the young age of 19 in the small state of Maine. My desire to work for myself and be an entrepreneur grew quickly. I went out on my own and started my first business at 20 and opened my own retail shop selling lingerie, heels, corsets, and other novelty items. I then went on to open a production company focusing on pinup style photography and video that is still in operation today. My love for hosiery and heels has always been at the forefront of my brand so when I decided to launch my own brand of luxury hosiery in 2019, Luxe My Body, it was a natural fit for me. I didn’t expect it to take off as fast as it did, but we sold out of our entire first run of inventory online in the first two weeks lol. I had to scale up quickly and restructure my business plan to scale faster. I’ve grown my social media accounts to over 3 million and they have laid a great foundation to push Luxe My Body. I’m excited about the future of my new company and can’t wait to introduce new products to our line.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Growing up in Maine and being a professional model proved to be a struggle all in itself. A lot of people judged me and told me I couldn’t make it. I love proving them wrong and it did nothing but fuel my desire for success. I never had an easy path, to be honest. I’ve always felt things were harder for me than others. I hit every obstacle imaginable over the years but in the end, I paved a path of success all on my own and I’m proud of what I’ve built. I’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into my brand, and some days I wanted to just throw in the towel but my persistence and desire to succeed always won. I used to get very stressed when people would hate on me, but now, I welcome them with open arms because, in the end, a hater is really just a fan in disguise.

When I started Luxe My Body, we ran into so many problems, you name it, it happened. We had to switch manufacturers a few times before we got it right. So much work went into it from testing fabrics, perfecting sizing, quality control and the list goes on. It took a lot of time and dedication to get it to where it is today. I’m happy for my struggles because, without them, Luxe My Body wouldn’t be what it is today. I’m critical and particular, everything has to be perfect right down to the very last detail. Ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you I am the most persistent person they know haha.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Luxe My Body LLC. story. Tell us more about the business.
My Carrie LaChance brand is known for a unique style of pinup always featuring high heels and hosiery. My fans love the new age twist I put on pinup in my photos and videos. Luxe My Body fits in perfectly because I sell the very thing I have always worn in my photos, luxury hosiery. I’m most proud of how far I’ve been able to take my company all on my own without help from anyone else. Growing up in Maine has kept me grounded and hold my standards high. Luxe My Body is best known for the unique fabric we have, it’s unlike any other hosiery you have ever worn. Every person who tries it gets hooked, we can barely keep it in stock haha.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
Honestly, I have not been lucky over the years, haha. Every obstacle you can think of, I’ve run into. It’s taken serious dedication and hard work to get to where I am today. It’s been a rough road but I wouldn’t change my journey because it’s made me who I am today. I’m not afraid to work hard and put in the time needed. I don’t sleep lols all I do is work or think about work. I am however extremely lucky to be surrounded by people in my life that have been loyal and supportive over the years and that have played an instrumental role in my success.

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